Welcoming a New Season!

Welcome to the most enchanting time of the year witches! In my humble opinion anyways hehe! 🍁🌙

As the air turns crisp, there is a palpable magic to be felt all around us! During autumn we can feel transformational shifts, although here in sunny Florida the differences may be slight! We can still rest knowing this is a season of change. Such is the nature of all things, and is a direct invitation to embrace uncertainty!

Lately, I've immersed myself in my witchcraft perhaps more than ever before, (minus maybe middle years lol). I have found solace in rituals of all kinds! They truly are a bridge from our inner & outer worlds. Helping to intentionally invite in what we seek while releasing what no longer serves us! The power of intention is truly magic!

Speaking of change + intentions, I'm dying to share two things that have uplifted my spirits! One is a valuable lesson from a Buddhist podcast, offering a simple plan to rewire the brain for more happiness! The other is a Welcome October Simmer Pot ritual! Both of these treasures have potential to bring positivity & mindfulness into our lives. So let’s get into it witches!

Tara Brach's Wisdom: Rewiring Our Brains for Happiness

Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of negativity? It's all too common for many of us! And it's often due to our evolutionary "negativity bias," which makes us more prone to holding onto negative thoughts and experiences. But the lovely Tara Brach, one of my fav Buddhist teachers has a remedy she likes to call: gladdening of the mind. Tara suggests a daily practice to counteract this bias and infuse our minds with positivity. It only takes a few minutes each day, so I'm challenging myself to commit for 30 days!

Step 1: Act of Kindness

Set a goal to perform one act of kindess each day. It can be as simple as complimenting a coworker, or calling a loved one you haven’t chatted with in some time! Acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of positive emotions, helping to provide us a deeper sense of connection and community.

Step 2: Savoring Moment

Life is filled with beautiful moments that often pass us by unnoticed in the rush of daily life. Also due to that pesky “negativity bias” we often don’t savor the good things in life like we cling to the bad. Negative emotions can feel more sticky and long lasting. So just take 30 seconds out of day to savor a simple moment. It could be the sound of leaves rustling in wind or warmth of the sun on your skin! Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and truly allow yourself to feel present in the moment. This will help to cultivate moments of mindfulness. But also deepen our attention to embrace positive moments not just negative ones.

Step 3: Gratitude Journaling

Final step in our journey to rewiring brain for happiness is gratitude journaling. This practice involves reflecting on and writing down three things we are grateful for at end of the day. Gratitude journaling shifts focus from what we lack to what we have. They can be big or small, from cuddles of beloved pets to the taste of our favorite soup! By regularly appreciating positive aspects of our lives we can easily find that our overall happiness and sense of well-being begins to grow!

Here’s a link to the wonderful podcast below! It’s a two part series and SO worth your time!

Welcome October Simmer Pot: A Recipe for Fall Magic

Now, let's dive into the absolute delight of a fall simmer pot recipe! It will not only fill your home with aromatic joy but also infuse it with positive intentions for months ahead if you let it. Behold the Welcome October Simmer Pot 🍊✨

Add these ingredients to a large pot, fill 3/4 full with water, and gently boil them. Once it starts bubbling, reduce the heat to a simmer. Let it simmer for a few hours or even all day, just remember to keep adding water if needed! As simmer pot works its magic, meditate on the intentions these ingredients represent, and let that intentional energy flow throughout your space! I hope you let this simmer pot infuse your October with success, love, prosperity, and any other enchanting qualities you desire witches!

I really hope you enjoy the magic of these rituals and have a beautiful October! Until next time! Love you all!




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