My Recent Loves!

Hey witches! Time's been flying, but I've stumbled upon some new favorites that I can't help but gush over! Here's what's been filling my cup lately hehe!

✨ Botnia Sausalito Lavender Hydrosol: Even though you knooow I’m ready for fall, nothing has felt more like summer to me than this beautiful hydrosol! Crafted with organically grown lavender from Botnia's own farm in Sausalito, California, this Hydrosol is a gentle, calming treat for the skin! Traditionally used for their natural soothing and cleansing properties, clary sage, lavender, and rose hydrosols contain antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental damage while minimizing the appearance of uneven tone.

The dreamy scent brings a moment of mindfulness + calm to me everytime I spritz myself (so I’m doing it all day long lmao) It is absolutely perfect for a quick refresh or part of your daily skincare ritual! *Contraindicated for pregnancy due to the clary sage (when used as an essential oil, can cause uterine contractions).

Adult Ballet Classes: Although my studio is on summer break, I can’t stop thinking about when I get to put my ballet slippers back on! I have rekindled a childhood passion that had been tucked away for decades. I only took a few years of ballet but have always wished I pursued it more. Going to try new things, then be terrible at them, and keep showing up is actually freaking magic! It can feel daunting and so hard some days. But continuing to show up and let yourself be humbled is a beautiful thing. Twirling around in studio & working muscles I didn’t know existed feels like embracing a piece of my little heart I'd forgotten. There is something so pure about reconnecting with your inner child and doing things for pure pleasure!

✨ Cold Plunge & Cold Showers: Cold therapy has really become a special thing to me. Every shower I turn it on to as cold as possible at the end to enjoy! My personal fav (and for me the hardest lol) is the cold plunge tub! Reading the Wim Hom Method Book about cold exposure really opened my mind to this healing practice. As someone who has dealt with depression & anxiety, I find this a really helpful tool. It boosts my mood, it’s another way to practice mindfulness, and stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system to help calm us over time. There are also many studies to suggest it helps with inflammation & can help with autoimmune disorders as well. If you’re ever out at the beach - I love the cold plunge at Pure Hydration!

✨ Ice Roller: Continuing on the cold theme, just freaking love these silicone mold ice rollers! I've been rolling away stress, puffiness, and this god awful Florida heat! You just fill this lil silicone mold with water and wait patiently! Once frozen, just apply it to face by moving quickly in circular motions! Green tea is amazing for antioxidants- so my next plan is to freeze green tea & roll my face away with that goodness! I’ll keep you posted how it goes lol

What have you been in love with lately witches? Let me in on it!

Till next time!

Katie aka Your Skin Witch🌙💫


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Rosacea Chronicles: part 2!